us-pi.shop's point
At us-pi.shop, you can charge points to your site wallet using crypto currency. These points are used to purchase various products or use services at us-pi.shop. The charging process is explained step by step.

3 kinds of coins
To recharge points on us-pi.shop, you will use one of three types of coins: pi coin, solana, and our own coin 'us-pi1' coin.

crypto currency address
There are various types of crypto currency in the crypto currency wallet owned by an individual. Each crypto currency has its own unique address (public key). This can be thought of as an account number for a bank account, for example. Transferring coins from a crypto currency wallet to another wallet is similar to transferring funds using an account at a bank. In order to transfer money to the bank account desired by the other party, the other party's account number is of course required.

send crypto currency
If we compare this to crypto currency, it means that you need to have the other party's crypto currency address to transfer crypto currency. This crypto currency address is usually called a public key, and this is used to transfer money. In order to transfer crypto currency, you need the other party's crypto currency address and the network used. Usually, Bitcoin or Ethereum do not use other networks, but some coins use multiple networks, so you need to specify the network. For example, a crypto currency called USDT uses eth, tron, etc. as a network, so you need to send money using the network that the other party wants.

receive crypto currency
On the other hand, if someone else sends money to my wallet, you can send the address of my crypto currency to the other party. At this time, you will send the public key. Sometimes, if the other party asks for the public key and private key, you need to be careful. It is very dangerous in terms of security to give the private key together. If you ask for your bank account number and ask for a PIN number, it is suspicious. It is recommended to consult an expert and handle it.

careful for private key
Even if it is the same wallet, if the type of crypto currency is different, each crypto currency has a different public key and private key. Coin XX owned by person A's wallet and coin XX in person B's wallet will have different public and private keys. It's the same XX coin, but it has a different address with an identity.

install wallet
I'd like to explain in more detail the phantom wallet, which is widely used in solana-based virtual currencies.
Phantom is a DEX (decentralized exchanger) wallet, and I will skip explaining it here. You can install the phantom wallet by accessing https://phantom.app. Of course, you can download and install the app from Android's Playstore or Apple's Appstore.

Sending crypto currency to another person is send, and receiving crypto currency from another person is receive. Exchanging for a different type of crypto currency within the same wallet is swap. You have to send crypto currency to us-pi.shop and receive points in return to purchase products from us-pi.shop using these points. I'll explain in order, focusing on the phantom wallet.